Opendata Endpoint for noise action planning

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2014.09.08 00:00
Available languages
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The city of Cologne is now making available data on citizen participation in the noise action planning of the city of Cologne 2010/2011 on the OpenData Portal. The opendata Endpoint can be found at: for static processing you can also use the attached XML Each dataset contains the data on a proposal from the noise action planning of the city of Cologne 2010/11 with the properties • “date” = date of the proposal • “noise_type” = noise type • “title” = title • “note” = description of the proposal • “vote_pro” = pro-vote • “vote_contra” = contra-votes • “address” = address, usually street name and house number • “lat” = latitude in the EPSG4326 projection • “lon” = longitude in the EPSG4326 projection The data can be used in two ways. Download You can download the data as files for further use. The data can be downloaded as files in different open formats here [LINK JSON CSV XML]. Querying the OpenData Endpoint If you want to restrict the data (for example, “all suggestions within a radius of 1 km around the dome”) or use the data in another project (mashup) without transferring it to your own database, you can use the OpenData Endpoint for this purpose. Qualified data with georeferences How the semantic query language SPARQL can be used sensibly becomes clear in some examples. To explore the data, we use a browser-based interface to the endpoint with the beautiful name SNORQL. To receive all suggestions, sorted by date, enter this SPARQL query: Select DISTINCT?date?noise_type?author?title?note?vote_pro?vote_contra?address?lat?lon WHERE {?instance a. instance dc:date ?date. instance vocab:noice_type ?noice_type. instance foaf:name ?author. instance dc:title ?title. instance vocab:proposal_note ?note. instance vocab:vote_pro ?vote_pro. instance vocab:vote_cons ?vote_contra. Optional {?instance vocab:address ?address. instance geo:lat ?lat. instance geo:long ?lon. }} Order BY?date If you are only interested in high approval suggestions, sort the results and limit the hit list: Select DISTINCT?date?noise_type?author?title?note?vote_pro?vote_contra?address?lat?lon WHERE {?instance a. instance dc:date ?date. instance vocab:noice_type ?noice_type. instance foaf:name ?author. instance dc:title ?title. instance vocab:proposal_note ?note. instance vocab:vote_pro ?vote_pro. instance vocab:vote_cons ?vote_contra. Optional {?instance vocab:address ?address. instance geo:lat ?lat. instance geo:long ?lon. }} Order BY DESC(?vote_pro) LIMIT 10 If you want to further study the possibilities of the query, the W3C offers a good entry point:
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