Police Crime Statistics (PKS) — Breakdown of suspects by age and gender

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.12.20 06:26
Available languages
kriminalitätsstatistik, pks-2021, tatverdächtige, sicherheit, kriminalität
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Dataset description

Information on the publication The table presented is based on the data of the [Police Crime Statistics (PKS)](https://www.schleswig-holstein.de/DE/landesregierung/ministerien-behoerden/POLIZEI/DasSindWir/LKA/Ermittlungen_Auswertung/kriminalstatistik/kriminalstatistik.html) of the Land Schleswig-Holstein. These are the results of the police investigation before submission to the public prosecutor’s office or the court. The PKS contains the illegal offences that have become known to the police, including attempts to punish them, the number of suspects identified and a number of other information on cases, victims or suspects. The data relate to a completed reporting year and shall be published annually for the previous calendar year. ##Table-specific information: Table 20 (Disaggregation of TV by age and sex) This data set contains suspects by age and sex in Schleswig-Holstein, which were recorded in the corresponding reporting year. ##Building the table The following columns are included: — Key number of the offences — criminal code number (keys of the respective offences or total keys) — Criminal offence — plain text of the offence or the sum key — Sex — division into male and female and total — Total suspects — sum of suspects — Age groups — Number of suspects divided by age group — The preceding number in brackets (1) — (24), indicates the column numbering. Character set: Western European (Windows — 1252/WinLatin 1)
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