Dataset information
Available languages
getötete-personen, unfallstatistik, verkehrsunfall, mcloud_category_roads, verletzte-personen, unfälle, verkehr, individualverkehr, straßenverkehrsunfälle, unfall, straßenverkehr
Dataset description
This metadata set was generated by the mCLOUD and summarises all the individual metadata records of this data series.
Data on traffic accidents in Schleswig-Holstein
## Description of the fields
— ‘ID’ — Running number of the accident (one record per accident)
— ‘Uland’ — state, here only ‘01’ = Schleswig-Holstein — ‘UREGBEZ’ — always ‘0’
— ‘Ukreis’ — Circle
— ‘UGEMEINDE’ — municipality
— ‘UYear’ — year of accident
— ‘UMONAT’ — accident month
— ‘USTUNDE’ — Accident Hour
— ‘UWOCHENTAG’ — weekday:
1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday,... 6 = Saturday
— ‘UKATEGORIE’ — Accident category (criteria for assignment is the most serious accident sequence):
1 = accident with killed, 2 = accident with serious injuries, 3 = accident with minor injuries
— ‘UART’ — type of accident:
1 = collision with starting/continuing/resting vehicle, 2 = collision with ahead/waiting vehicle, 3 = collision with vehicle driving sideways in the same direction, 4 = collision with oncoming vehicle, 5 = collision with the vehicle to the right, 6 = collision between vehicle and pedestrian, 7 = impact on road barrier, 8 = agreement from roadway to the right, 9 = agreement from roadway to the left, 0 = accident of other type
— ‘UTYP1’ — Accident type:
1 = driving accident, 2 = turn accident, 3 = bend/cross accident, 4 = crossing accident, 5 = accident caused by resting traffic, 6 = accident in longitudinal traffic, 7 = other accident
— ‘ULICHTVERH’ — lighting conditions:
0 = daylight, 1 = twilight, 2 = darkness
— ‘ISTRAD’ — Accident with wheel:
1, if at least one bicycle was involved in the accident
— ‘IstPKW’ — Accident with car:
1, if at least one passenger car was involved in the accident
— ‘IstFuss’ — Accident with pedestrians:
1, if at least one pedestrian was involved in the accident
— ‘IstKrad’ — accident with motorcycle:
1, if at least one motorcycle, such as mofa, motorcycle/roller was involved in the accident
— ‘IstGkfz’ — Accident with goods motor vehicle:
1, if the accident involved at least one lorries with a normal body and a total weight of more than 3.5 tonnes, a truck with a tank or special body, a tractor unit or another tractor
— ‘actual’ — Accident with others:
1, if at least one of the above-mentioned means of transport (e.g. bus or train) was involved in the accident
— ‘USTRZUSTAND’ — Road condition:
0 = dry, 1 = wet/moist/slip, 2 = winter smooth
— ‘LINREFX’ — The geocoordinates of the accident location on the road section (UTM coordinate of the reference system ETRS89, Zone 32N)
— ‘XGCSWGS84’ — The geocoordinates of the accident location on the road section (geographical coordinates in decimal degree of the reference system WGS84)
## Data origin
This is an excerpt from the accident data for Germany
Filtered to the entries where ‘Uland=01’ is.
For the geocoordinates comma was replaced by decimal point.
Further explanations on the traffic accident data can be found on the [page of the Accident Atlas of the Federal and State Statistical Offices](
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