Statistical quarters Cologne

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.02.06 07:31
Available languages
geo, infrastruktur, bauen-und-wohnen
Quality scoring

Dataset description

A statistical district is part of the local division. This hierarchical system divides the Cologne city area into a city structure and block structure at various levels. Other components include a road structure and addresses. The statistical quarters were included in the municipal division in 2020 as successors of the neighbourhoods for small-scale statistical evaluation, as these no longer amended data protection requirements. The entire municipal division is explained in this publication. Definition: Statistical quarters have been created by dividing, joining or maintaining neighbourhoods with the aim of creating more homogeneous demographic structures by the population of an area between 1000 and 3000. As a further goal, the assignment of all inhabited Cologne addresses was formulated. Therefore, addresses outside the traditional neighbourhoods are assigned as an exclave to the nearest statistical quarter in the same district. A core area and its exclave(s) have the same key (attribute number) and name (attribute name). The exclave attribute differentiates between the core area (exclave = n) and the exclave (exclave = j). Explanation of the attributes is attached to the shapefile as CSV. Coordinate system Shapefile: ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 32N Coordinate system KMZ & JSON: WGS 1984 All spatial data of the municipal division, election organisation units and other territorial divisions are included in the spatial reference system Geopackage.
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