Students living in Düsseldorf at Düsseldorf Schools 2020 — Social Spaces

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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2022.07.20 11:16
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Dataset description

<DIV CLASS=“FIELD FIELD-NAME-BODY FIELD-TYPE-TEXT-WITH-SUMMARY FIELD-LABEL-HIDDEN”> <DIV CLASS=“FIELD-ITEMS”> <DIV CLASS=“FIELD-ITEM EVEN”> <DIV CLASS=“FIELD FIELD-NAME-BODY FIELD-TYPE-TEXT-WITH-SUMMARY FIELD-LABEL-HIDDEN”> <DIV CLASS=“FIELD-ITEMS”> <DIV CLASS=“FIELD-ITEM EVEN”> <DIV CLASS=“FIELD FIELD-NAME-BODY FIELD-TYPE-TEXT-WITH-SUMMARY FIELD-LABEL-HIDDEN”> <DIV CLASS=“FIELD-ITEMS”> <DIV CLASS=“FIELD-ITEM EVEN”> The data set contains figures about the pupils residing in Düsseldorf at Düsseldorf Schools 2020. Note: For reasons of secrecy, data will only be passed rounded. All absolute numbers were rounded up to a multiple of 3 up and down. The final sums correspond to the real values The “Social Spatial Structure” divides the entire city of Düsseldorf into 179 smaller spatial units, whose cut depends on both socio-demographic and residential characteristics. Social spaces thus represent more people’s immediate living environment than is the case with administrative units such as the 50 districts. In general, the term social space can be used synonymous with quarters or habitats. Within the city administration, this instrument is used as a basis for reference and planning by almost all specialised offices and departments, which focus on social structures in the district. In addition, this room level is suitable for analytical purposes of various questions. The files contain the following column information: City district Social space Sum of students from HS, RS, GY, GS and SK Secondary School Number Secondary school in % Number of Real Schools Secondary school in % Gymnasium Number Gymnasium in % Total School Number Total school in % Transition 5th grade to Gymnasium Number Transition 5th grade to Gymnasium in % Pupils in OGS Number Pupils in OGS in % Hinweise:Falls not stated otherwise, the data refer to 31.12.2020. Possible deviations of the data presented from other publications are either methodological or are based on different deadline regulations. The population reference numbers from the procedure MigraPro differ slightly from those of the Resident Registration Register for procedural reasons.In general, regardless of the final sum, it has been rounded up or rounded up. For this reason, when summing individual data, the final sums may be above or below 100 %.For the present publication, the gender-specific notation has been chosen.There, where it was not possible for space reasons, both sexes are meant. = Numerical value is unknown or cannot be specified for certain, e.g. technical reasons or for reasons of secrecy.- = numerical value exactly zero (nothing exists) </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV>
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