Traffic data Rad (Infrared Detectors) Hamburg

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.11.12 20:05
Available languages
verkehrszählung, verkehr, radzählnetz, behörde, wärmebildkamera, radverkehr, geodaten, straße, wärmebild, fahrrad, infrarotkamera, verkehrsmengen, nahverkehr, harazän, belegungsgrad
Quality scoring

Dataset description

General information: The data set includes traffic data from all locations in Hamburg, where cycling is recorded using infrared detectors at 24h a day and all days of the year. The dataset contains in real time the traffic strengths of individual counting fields as well as aggregated counting points from multiple counting fields. The schematic structure of data collection and data aggregation is described in a separate document, which can be found in the references. The data of the counting fields are provided in 5- and 15-minute intervals as well as in daily intervals. The data of the counting points are aggregated at 15- and 60-minute intervals as well as in daily and weekly values. The data of the counting points are also visualised in the corresponding geoportals of the FHH, e.g. Geo-Online and Transport Portal. In addition to real-time data, historical data are also available to the following extent: Counting fields: all data for the previous seven days in 5- and 15-minute intervals, all data for the previous month in hourly intervals, all data for the current and previous year in daily intervals. Counting points: all data for the previous seven days in 15-minute intervals, all data for the previous month in hourly intervals, all data for the current and previous year in daily intervals, all data since the beginning of collection in weekly intervals. Further information on the technical implementation of data provision can be found in the metadata of the associated data services. Technical information: The infrared detectors are usually installed on lighting poles, but also on other masts. The detectors record and count traffic via the heat radiation of the individual traffic participants. Since only infrared images are evaluated, data protection is guaranteed at any time. Information on data quality: The data is transmitted in real time to the Urban Data Platform of FHH. For example, they are available for all users and interested parties in a timely manner. However, due to the real-time component, different framework conditions have to be taken into account: The data are not fully quality assured at the time of the first publication. Unusual deviations from the expected data and data gaps are automatically detected by the system, but cannot be corrected in real time at the moment. Gaps that occur e.g. by demolition of the data transmission can still be returned afterwards. Under certain circumstances and in case of prolonged failures, changes in historical data may still be made after a few days. The data published here are not officially verified data from FHH. As with any traffic count, whether automated or manual, there are certain tolerances in measurement accuracy. The system used here requires accuracy for the counting fields of ± 10 % for the measurement of cycling traffic on pavements, cycle paths and cycling lanes and ± 20 % for the recording of cycle traffic in mixed traffic with motor vehicles. Because counting points are formed from a combination of different counting fields, the deviation may be up to ± 20 %. In principle, it should be noted that the system, including the recording technology, was still under development in 2020. The historical data from 2020 can thus be used to assess the fundamental development of transport, but some have greater inaccuracies and jumps in data quality.
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