Types of Alkis per building block in Wuppertal

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.01.04 14:01
Available languages
kommunalstatistik, flächenanteile, wuppertal, liegenschaftskataster, statistik, bodennutzung, gdi-w, alkis, landschaftsnutzung, bauen-und-wohnen, kleinräumige-gliederung, baublock, geo, tatsächliche-nutzung, opendata, flächennutzung, bodennutzungsanteile, umwelt-und-klima, infrastruktur
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Dataset description

For the purposes of municipal statistics, the Department of Surveying, cadastral office and spatial data of the City of Wuppertal annually performs a cross-cutting of the building blocks with the areas of actual use from the real estate register. The building blocks are run in the small-scale structure of the city of Wuppertal, a knot and edge model of the city that serves as a spatial reference base for the Wuppertal municipal statistics. They are the smallest unit of area in municipal statistics. The areas of actual use come from the ALKIS Official Property Register Information System, which has been used in Wuppertal since mid-2011 for the management of the real estate cadastre. In October 2012, for the first time, an intersection was carried out, which has since been repeated at the beginning of each year. Since the network of building blocks changes only slightly from year to year, the developed time series enables detailed analyses of the area consumption in the Wuppertal city area. The modelling of the actual use has changed significantly with the introduction of the ALKIS compared to the previous procedure “Automated Property Card (ALK)” so that no time series extending further into the past can be built. The results of the intersections are available for each vintage as separate CSV files (Semicolon as separators) available under an Open Data license (CC BY 4.0). The georeferencing of the area data is carried out indirectly via the building block number, with which each row of such a CSV file begins. In general, there are several rows of data for a building block, one for each actual use found in the ALKIS database for this building block area.
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