Venues Wuppertal

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Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.07.26 13:32
Available languages
konzerthalle, buchladen, konzert, freizeit, galerie, sport-und-tourismus, kulturkneipe, kultur, kleinkunst, ausstellung, milonga, wuppertal, theater, theateraufführung, freilichtbühne, kabarett, museum, party, tango-argentino-club, veranstaltungsort, ausstellungsfläche, lesung, filmtheater, filmvorführung, kino, club, geo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The data set includes about 80 cultural venues modeled as point geometries in the Wuppertal city area or in its immediate vicinity. The dataset is a subset of the data set “Interesting Places Wuppertal” (Points of Interest, POI), namely all POIs associated with the topic “Event Locations”. This theme includes clubs, film theatres, museums and galleries, theatres and other venues such as churches, outdoor swimming pools, cultural cafés and exhibition spaces. The data modelling is based on ISO19112 and includes, among other things, the multiple categorisation of a main category, the optional assignment of several alternative names and the assignment to overarching topics (life situations). Between 03/2019 and 07/2019, the POI data on the cultural venues were revised and completed in coordination with the Cultural Office of the City of Wuppertal. The data model for this POI was expanded by a m:n relationship to a catalogue with event types. The extension is part of this dataset. The coordinates of the POI originally referred to the Official City Map Wuppertal, a slightly generalised map on a scale of 1:15,000. In 06/2018, the POI coordinates for the use of the POI in the online map of the city of Wuppertal, which uses a non-generalised map basis with the Stadtplanwerk 2.0 (SPW2.0) of the Ruhr Regional Association, were revised. Mediating positions were determined that allow the POI to be correctly mapped to the situation in the background map for both cards. The ongoing updating of the data takes place in connection with the card editing work for the continuation of the SPW2.0 in the area of the City of Wuppertal. The dataset is available under an open data license (CC BY 4.0). However, it includes hyperlinks of photos that may not be covered by this license. A transfer or publication of these images is to be agreed with the respective image creator.
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