Dataset information
Εκτίμησης αξίας απαλλοτριωμένων ακινήτων, Αιγιαλός, Ανταλλάξιμων κτημάτων, Εξαγοράς δημοσίων κτημάτων, Έγκριση μίσθωσης, Άρση κατασχέσης, Αμμοληψίας, Αναγκαστική απαλλοτρίωση, Προυπολογισμός, Άρση κυκλοφορίας, Δημοσίων κτημάτων, Ορίων αιγιαλού και παραλίας, Παραλία, Κατακύρωση στο δημόσιο, Εκπλειστηριασθέν ακίνητο
Dataset description
(1). Budget implementation decisions (training, drawing, withdrawal, comitology, Grants, Approval of Lease Auction Practices) of the A.D.T. (2). Decisions for the Declaration of Competitions, Award and Approval of Award Practices. Contracts for Fuel, Purity, Graphic Material, Curtains, Cars, etc. of A.D.Th. (3). Decisions approving the rental of vehicles for operators, Establishment of a three-member committee for lifting the circulation of vehicles of A.D.T. (4). Decisions approving or not awarding to the public real estate debtors, auctioned, Removal of seizures — Decisions lifting seizures imposed on assets of public debtors (5). Decisions on compulsory expropriations for the construction of works (6). Decisions concerning public land, deletion of public land, Necessity or non-public estates, Identification of public land to be excluded from the sale, Signature of concessions of exchangeable lands, approval of decisions of public land committees, approval of the elimination of mortgages on exchangeable land, approval of direct sale or concession of exchangeable land (7). Decisions appointing committees, appointment of members of committees for public estates, appointment of members of committees for the leasing and sale of public and exchangeable estates, appointment of members of committees for the determination of the limits of the coast and beach and sand collection sites, appointment of members of committees for the acquisition of public estates by arbitrary owners, appointment of members of committees for the assessment of the value of expropriated properties. (8). Decisions on the beach and beach, Decision establishing the limits of the coast, beach and old sea, granting a permit for the construction of technical works relating to the improvement of the use of the coast, the beach and the sea, the granting of a permit for the construction of technical works on the coast, the beach and the sea, to prevent erosion, Concession of the right to use beach and beach located outside and within the port zone, for the construction of works, Concession of the right to use the sea and beach directly or by auction, approval of auction practices for the lease of uninhabited shallow sea and construction on them, works. (9). Decisions on sand abstraction, granting the right to sand extraction to contractors of public works and individuals, suspending and prohibiting sand extraction from positions authorised.
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