Department of Urban Planning and Applications (Directorate for the Environment and Spatial Planning of Central Greece)

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Provided by Ministry of Administrative Reform and E-Governance

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Δημοσίευση Πολεοδομικών Αποφάσεων, Μείωση Απόστασης από Άξονα Οδού, Μητρώο Ιδιωτικών Επιχειρήσεων, ΒΕΠΕ, Επιχειρηματικά Πάρκα, Τοπικό Ρυμοτομικό Σχέδιο, Κατεδάφιση, Δημόσιες Εκτάσεις, ΓΠΣ, Επικύρωση, Καθορισμός Χρήσεων, Αναγνώριση Οδού, Κοινόχρηστοι, Δημοτικής, Υδατορέματα, Δίκτυο Κοινοχρήστων Χώρων, Περιβάλλον, Εξαίρεση από κατεδάφιση, Χωροταξικός Σχεδιασμός, ΒΙΠΕ, Συμβούλιο Αρχιτεκτονικής, ΣΧΟΟΑΠ, Σύσταση, Έργα Αποκατάστασης, Επιτροπή, Πρόχειρες Κατασκευές, Εξαίρεση από Κατεδάφιση, Αύξηση Απόστασης από Άξονα Οδού, Έγκριση, Παραχώρηση, Παρέκκλιση, Οριογραμμές, Αναγνώριση
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Dataset description

(1). The approval of derogations for p.d. and height for installations outside the plan and outside the boundaries of settlements (2). The demolition of arbitrary buildings, buildings, installations within public or private forests or forest or reforestable land (3). The adoption of a decision to exempt from demolition in accordance with the provisions of Law 410/1968 (4). Approval and revision of GSP (5). The adoption and revision of S.S.O.O.P. (6). The approval of urban planning studies of BEPE defined in Articles 5, 19 and established by a Management Body (7).The decision to reduce the distance of buildings from the road axis of the primary provincial network in settlements pre-existing in 1923, without an approved city plan or demarcated settlements of less than 2000 inhabitants. (8). The decision to establish a greater distance of buildings from the road axis of the secondary provincial road network in settlements pre-existing in 1923, without an approved city plan or demarcated settlements of less than 2000 inhabitants (9). The establishment of a workshop for the demolition of arbitrary structures, in case it cannot be established by the Prefectural Services, following a reasoned proposal from the Prefect (10). The approval of a local urban plan in out-of-plan areas for the establishment of areas for the construction of public and municipal buildings and general public utility buildings (11). The exception from the demolition of arbitrarily owned buildings belonging to the State, legal persons governed by public law and local authorities (12). The commissioning, monitoring and supervision of the preparation, as well as the approval of GIS and S.H.O.O.P. studies (13). Ensuring the drawing up of a horizontal and elevation diagram for the mapping of the watercourse that is inside or outside a road plan or in settlements that do not have a urban plan and the adoption of a decision to validate the establishment of the boundary lines (except in cases judged by the Board that a Presidential Decree is required). (14). The execution of decisions on the demolition of arbitrary buildings or structures, issued by the competent department of the municipality, in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree 267/1998 (195 I) and the relevant legislation (15). Decision to dispose of means by third parties for demolition of arbitrarily in shared areas (16). Recognition as the main municipal or community road (17). The recognition of roads pre-existing in 1923 out of plan. (18). Determination of the use of concessions (19). The ratification of the network of public areas of agglomerations without an approved urban plan in accordance with the provisions of Article 35. Establishment of committees for the judgement of the possibility of subjecting rough, arbitrary structures to the provisions of Law 4014/11. (21). Keeping a register of private operators able to execute demolition protocols (22). Irrevocable decisions concerning arbitrarily buildings in forest, forest area on the coast and in the beach area, etc., are executed under the responsibility of the Decentralised Administration with the assistance of EYKA. (23). Establishment of Architecture Councils (SCs) in each Regional Unit. (24). Establishment of Urban Affairs and Dispute Boards (SYPOTHA). (25). Appointment of a three-member committee on dangerous buildings under Presidential Decree 13-4-29. (26). Determination and validation of the determination of the boundary lines of watercourses (Article 3 of Law 4258/2014 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 94)) (27). Adoption of decisions of local authorities (a) and (b) on traffic regulations (28). Establishment of boundaries of agglomerations in accordance with Presidential Decree 24-4-85 (Government Gazette 181/D/1985) on the basis of Circular 6/2006 of the Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (29). Publication of decisions approving urban planning studies and diagrams where the maps had not been published. (para.26, Art.13, Law 3212/2003 (308 A)) (30). Approval of a specific geological suitability study for agglomerations that have been designated as landscaping in order to determine parts of the agglomeration as suitable for construction. (31). Issuing a finding decision on the completion of restoration works for parts of landsliding agglomerations that have been declared suitable for building under conditions. (32). Granting building conditions on blind plots (Article 20(10) of Law 4258/14) (33). The approval of RACs to be issued in implementation of Local Spatial Plans (TSF) or Special Spatial Plans (SSRs), on the basis of Article 10 of Law 4269/2014. (34). Call for a draft or open tender for the selection of contractors for demolition work on arbitrary structures. (35). Celebration of a Draft or Open Competition for the selection of contractors for demolition works of arbitrary structures.
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