Evolution of Public Sector Employment 2013-2016

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministry of Administrative Reform and E-Governance

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Dataset information

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Dataset description

This includes the staff of Ministries, Independent Authorities, Decentralised Administrations, Local Authorities A and B Grade and supervised legal persons governed by public law. It includes elements of the regular staff of the public sector, i.e. officials/officials, employees with a private-law employment relationship of indefinite duration, employees with paid mandates and officials who are established at the end of the contract (DEP Members, ESY Doctors, Special Guards). It includes temporary staff, i.e. staff with fixed-term private employment contract, work contract, hourly rates and for non-permanent service, elected staff, permanent staff and other categories of employees (traineeship, etc.) Please note that temporary staff also include payees recruited under co-financed and self-financed programmes and thus do not burden the regular budget.
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