ni_j100v Hverir og aðrar heitar uppsprettur á Vesturgosbelti – 1:100.000

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Provided by National Land Survey of Iceland

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Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_lindir_1utg_p: Lindir og hverir á Vesturgosbelti Íslands. [Springs and hotsprings of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland.] Gögnin sýna laug, hver, lindir, gufu- og leirhver. Gögn eru ekki flokkuð eftir ÍST120:2012 staðlinum. Hér er flokkun eða lýsing nýrra fitjueiginda: 'tegUppsprettuISOR': 2: 10–25°C (Laug) 3: 25–50°C (Laug) 4: 50–75°C (Laug) 5: 75–98°C (Laug) 6: 98–100°C (Hver) 20: Hrúður 30: Leir- og gufuhverir 7212: Lindir 10–100 l/s 7213: Lindir >100 l/s 7214: Lindasvæði 100–1000 l/s 7215: Lindasvæði >1000 l/s 'tegUppsprettuNI': 1: Lindir 4: Laug (10–98°C) 5: Hver (98–100°C) 6: Leir- og gufuhver 'vatnshiti': Hitastig vatnsins við lindina, mælieining: °C. 'gerdiISOR': Grágrýtislind/Grágrýtislindir: Lind/lindir í hrauni eldra en síðasta jökulskeið, Hraunalind/Hraunalindir: Lind/lindir í nútímahrauni, Móbergslind/Móbergslindir: Lind/lindir í móbergi, Sprungulind: Lind í sprungu. [This data includes cold, warm and hot springs, steam and mud springs. The data does not follow the ÍST120:2012 data standard. Explanation and classification of the new feature attributes: 'tegUppsprettuISOR': 2: 10–25°C (Warm spring) 3: 25–50°C (Warm spring) 4: 50–75°C (Warm spring) 5: 75–98°C (Warm spring) 6: 98–100°C (Boiling spring) 20: Hot spring deposits 30: Mud and steam spring 7212: Cold spring 10–100 l/s 7213: Cold spring >100 l/s 7214: Cold spring area 100–1000 l/s 7215: Cold spring area >1000 l/s 'tegUppsprettuNI': 1: Cold spring 4: Warm spring (10–98°C) 5: Boiling spring (98–100°C) 6: Mud and steam spring 'vatnshiti': Temperature of the spring in °C. 'gerdiISOR': Grágrýtislind/Grágrýtislindir: Spring(s) in 'grey basalt' lavas older than the last glacial, Hraunalind/Hraunalindir: Spring(s) in postglacial lavas, Móbergslind/Móbergslindir: Spring(s) in hyaloclastite tuff, Sprungulind: Spring in tectonic fissure.]
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