CE17007 GO-SHIP Transatlantic Section A02

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Provided by Government Reform Unit, Dept of Public Expenditure & Reform

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.12.15 03:06
Available languages
biota, elevation, location, oceans, climatologymeteorologyatmosphere, environment
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This survey took place in April-May 2017 on board the RV Celtic Explorer. The Marine Institute (MI) and National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) led an international partnership to complete the GO-SHIP A02 line. Onboard teams were from Canada, Germany, the UK, and the USA, and additional support from experts in Denmark and France. The A02 line runs from the margins of the Grand Banks, south of Newfoundland, to the Shelf edge of the Celtic Sea off southern Ireland. Continuous underway measurements included surface seawater conductivity (salinity), temperature and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), sampled via a Hull water intake hose, and water current measurements to ~600 m depth using a vessel mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). At predefined stations along the cruise track, approximately 30 nautical miles apart in the open ocean, the ship’s CTD sensor package and bottle rosette was deployed. Fitted with a range of calibrated SENSORS that measure conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD), dissolved oxygen relative fluorescence (chlorophyll), water CLARITY and water measurements, the CTD carousel was lowered to just the ocean floor and then brought back to the surface in an operation that took up to five hours at the deepest stations of > 4.8 km below the ocean surface.
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