Dataset information
publishtoisde, environmental research, organism, ecosystem, wildlife habitat, geoscientificinformation, synecology, environmental conservation, wildlife sanctuary, wildlife conservation, ecological parameter, species distribution, ecosystem analysis, nature protection, ecosystem research, environment, biota, biodiversity, ireland, protected area, species, national biodiversity data centre, nbdc, wildlife protection, habitat, wildlife, biodiversity data centre
Dataset description
Records of various taxonomic groups, which have been submitted to the National Biodiversity Data Centre as part of projects related to the Community Foundation for Ireland
Geographic Coverage: Island of Ireland
Temporal Coverage: 2020-present
Species Groups recorded: liverwort, bacterium, insect — hymenopteran, insect — true bug (Hemiptera), bony fish (Actinopterygii), insect — moth, lichen, spider (Araneae), insect — beetle (Coleoptera), insect — caddis fly (Trichopte, terrestrial mammal, alga, Flatworm (Turbellaria), bird, sponge (Porifera), insect — butterfly, insect — mayfly (Ephemeroptera, insect — true fly (Diptera), crustacean, conifer, insect — orthopteran, annelid, mollusc, acarine (Acari), Flowering plant, reptile, ginkgo, insect — dragonfly (Odonata), moss, insect — Earwig (Dermaptera), horsetail, fungus, fern, amphibian
Dataset Status: Complete up to end of 2020
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