CV19001 Winter Environmental Survey 2019

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Provided by Government Reform Unit, Dept of Public Expenditure & Reform

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Dataset information

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2022.12.15 03:13
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Dataset description

The 2019 survey continues the Marine Institute’s Winter nutrients monitoring that commenced in 1990/91. The survey has Evolved and expanded during this time period with respect to target areas, parameters and sampling strategy. In 2011 this survey was reestablished as a winter environmental survey with a broader remit to provide information for OSPAR and Water Framework Directive (WFD Directive 2000/60/EC) assessments and also to maintain the winter series on key biogeochemical parameters in Irish waters in response to pressures such as land Inputs of nutrients and climate change. Since 2011 the survey circumnavigates the Island of Ireland every two years, alternating southabout and Northabout, starting in the Irish Sea and ending in Galway. This provides a complete coverage of Irelands coastal waters over two-year periods. However, given the timing of the surveys, winter by necessity to ensure minimal biological activity and therefore highest concentrations of dissolved nutrients, the weather is a significant factor in determining the actual, as opposed to planned, coverage of the target stations. This work is Complementary to inshore water quality monitoring activities of the Irish Environmental Protection Agency and Marine Institute and the annual offshore oceanographic survey/climate section (53N/Rockall Trough) on the RV Celtic Explorer led by the Oceanographic Science Services group at the Marine Institute. The 2019 survey was designed to collect Multidisciplinary information on physical conditions, water chemistry (dissolved nutrients, total alkalinity (TA), dissolved organic carbon (DIC) and salinity), sediment chemistry (Persistent organic Pollutants POPs and trace metals), sediment Particle size distribution and benthic macroinvertebrates (target waterbodies around the coast). This contributes to data collection needs of various statutory drivers (WFD and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Directive 2008/56/EC) as well as providing a research Dataset on status and changing conditions (trends and variations) for key environmental variables. In total 206 underway stations were sampled for surface water chemistry via the on-board non-toxic system; 94 CTD deployments were undertaken, typically at surface and bottom but occasionally at mid-depths where some stratification was seen in the water column, resulting in 191 CTD sampling events. 116 stations were sampled for benthic macro-invertebrates and Particle size analysis.
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