Dataset information
biodiversity data centre, environment, environmental research, synecology, publishtoisde, protected area, organism, wildlife habitat, biota, geoscientificinformation, environmental conservation, wildlife conservation, nature protection, species distribution, ecosystem, habitat, wildlife, wildlife sanctuary, wildlife protection, ecosystem analysis, biodiversity, nbdc, species, ecosystem research, national biodiversity data centre, ecological parameter, ireland
Dataset description
The records in this Dataset are general records of different taxonomic submitted groups to the National Biodiversity Data Centre. This provides a temporary Facility to store and make available data submitted to the Centre, until such time as subsets of the data can be added to a recognised national database.
Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland
Temporal Coverage: Primarily for capturing new records from 2010 onwards, though it also contains some older records.
Species Groups recorded: liverwort, insect — hymenopteran, insect — true bug (Hemiptera), slime mould, bony fish (Actinopterygii), jelly comb (Ctenophora), insect — moth, jawless fish (Agnatha), lichen, spider (Araneae), insect — beetle (Coleoptera), insect — caddis fly (Trichopte, alga, terrestrial mammal, millipede, flatworm (Turbellaria), cartilagenous fish (Chondricht, insect — booklouse (Psocoptera, echinoderm, bird, sponge (Porifera), insect — butterfly, insect — stick insect (Phasmid, insect — mayfly (Ephemeroptera, insect — fly (Diptera), crustacean, conifer, tunicate (Urochordata), annelid, sea spider (Pycnogonida), mollusc, bryozoan, insect — alderfly (Megaloptera, acarine (Acari), insect — Lacewing (Neuroptera), ribbon worm (Nemertinea), Flowering plant, HarvestMan (Opiliones), coelenterate (=cnidarian), insect — silverfish (Thysanura, centipede, insect — dragonfly (Odonata), moss, insect — Earwig (Dermaptera), springtail (Collembola), fungus, fern, insect — stonefly (Plecoptera), insect — bristletail (Archaeog, amphibian
Dataset Status: Ongoing
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