Hourly Meteorological measurements for Malin Head, 2019

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Provided by Government Reform Unit, Dept of Public Expenditure & Reform

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.07.07 10:06
Available languages
Malin Head, YOUNG 61302, NUIG, AC3, Wind Speed, ROTRONICHC2-S3, meteorological, meteorology, Ireland, GILL WindSonic, Carnsore Point, Climate Change, Atmosphere Chemistry and Climate Change Network, Pressure, Atlantic, Wind Direction, Atmosphere, ICOS, Humidity, Temperature, ROTRONIC HC2-S3, Atmospheric Chemistry, Rural Background, Atmospheric science, NUI Galway, EPA
Quality scoring

Dataset description

“Hourly Meteorological measurements for Malin Head for year 2019 Atmosphere Chemistry and Climate Change Network (AC3) Malin Head Coordinates: 52° 22′ N, 7° 20′ W Measurement Height: 5 m Site Type: Rural Background Site Type: rural background Instrumentation: ROTRONIC HC2-S3 (ICOS compliant) Temprature ROTRONICHC2-S3 (ICOS compliant) Young 61302 (ICOS compliant) Gill WindSonic M (ICOS Compliant)Wind Speed and Direction Data range: Temperature, HumidITY, Pressure, Wind Speed, Wind Direction Units: Temperature (degrees celcius — 0C) HUMIDITY (%) Pressure (millibar) Wind Speed (metres per second — m/s) Wind Direction (degrees — 0) Time: UTC Background information: Malin Head is an existing meteorology station. The nature and geography of the site means that met observations have been historically made at a 20 Metre Tower on site. The aersol and gas measurements are made in a different building at a significant horizontal and vertical distance away. The nature of the gas and aerosl observatios mean that Meteorological data close to the sampling point is required from an ICOS compliance perspective and useful from a modelling perspective. Instrument serial number:TBC Calibration info: Calibrated every 3 years»
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