Dataset information
environment, location
Dataset description
A sample grab is a sample of sediment taken from the seabed. This is a sediment sample database of samples collected to date by INSS, INFOMAR and related projects. They include ADFish, DCU, FEAS, GATEWAYS, imagin, IMES, INIS_HYRDO, JIBS, MESH, SCALLOP, SEAI, UCC. Each sample point has some information recorded during collection including location, sample ID and preliminary description. Where available the shapefile also shows the results of partical size analysis (PSA) carried out on samples from 2004. PSA groups grains into mud, sand and gravel on the basis of their diameter. The relative proportion of the grains in the three categories is given as a percentage and used to Classify the sample using the Folk Classification scheme. This analysis is also used to determine if the sample is well or poorly sorted. The database contains information (where available) on:YEAR, SURVEY, VESSEL, SAMPLE_ID, sampler, DATE, TIME, LAT, LONG, depth, RECOVERY, DSCRIPTION, comment, REPORT, MUD, SAND, gravel, PSA_DSCRPT, FOLK_CLASS, SOURCE, IMAGE.
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