Inspire Water Framework Directive River Basin Districts

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Provided by Government Reform Unit, Dept of Public Expenditure & Reform

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.11.22 20:58
Available languages
water quality monitoring, administrative boundary, environment, river basin districts (water framework directive), water protection, river basin district, wfd, hydrography, river basin management, ireland
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a key initiative aimed at improving water quality throughout the EU. It applies to rivers, lakes, Groundwater, and coastal waters. The Directive requires an integrated approach to managing water quality on a river basin basis; with the aim of maintaining and improving water quality. The Directive requires that management plans be prepared on a river basin basis and specifies a structured approach to developing those plans. Cycle 2 identified six RBDs on the island of Ireland. Two of these are shared with Northern Ireland (Neagh Bann and North Western), one is wholly within the state (Ireland) and three are wholly within Northern Ireland (Neagh Bann NI, North East NI and North Western NI). Cycle 1 identified eight river basin Districts (RBDs) on the island of Ireland for the purpose of implementing the Directive. Three of these were shared with Northern Ireland (Shannon, Neagh Bann and North Western), four RBDs were wholly within the state (Eastern, South Eastern, South Western and Western) and one was wholly within Northern Ireland (North Eastern). Development of the river basin management plans has involved a coordinated effort across a wide range of organisations, including a high level of coordination with the authorities in Northern Ireland in relation to the cross-border RBDs. A key requirement of the Directive is public participation and a number of major public consultations have contributed towards development of the plans.
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