Part V Planning and Development output by area

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Provided by Government Reform Unit, Dept of Public Expenditure & Reform

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.09.20 21:22
Available languages
part five, social, development, affordable, housing
Quality scoring

Dataset description

No. of units acquired under Social Housing are included in the overall Local Authority and Voluntary & Co-operative completions. The number of units proposed includes agreements that have been entered into at 31 December of that specifc year but not yet started. In addition 124 units in 2005 (Fingal-42, Dublin City-50 and Cork City-32); 501 units in 2006 (Fingal-8; South Dublin-348; Wexford-20; Cork City-95 and Dublin City-30); 241 units in 2007 (Fingal-54: South Dublin-59: Wexford Co-26: Cork City -52 and Waterford City-50); 224 units in 2008 (Cork County-18; Cork City-103;Fingal-42; Kildare-47 and Wexford-14); 62 units (all Galway County) in 2009 were also delivered under AHI. A further 186 units were delivered through the Affordable Homes Partnership in 2007 (Fingal — 62;South Dublin — 34; Dublin City — 28; Deterioration — 28; Kildare 12; Wicklow-22), 367 units in 2008 (Fingal-89; South Dublin-112; Dublin City-34; Kildare-54; Decline-25 and Wicklow-53) and 165 units in 2009 (Fingal-30; South Dublin-57; Dublin City-18; Kildare-39; Declining-3 and Wicklow-18). North Tipperary, Limerick city and Waterford city are blanked out in the 2014 Dataset due to the Amalgamation of Limerick city and county, Waterford city and County and Tipperary county Councils. The most current data is published on these Sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision. Any change from the Originally published data will be highlighted by a comment on the cell in question. These comments will be maintained for at least a year after the date of the value change. The number of units proposed includes agreements that have been entered into at 31 December of that specifc year but not yet started. In addition 124 units in 2005 (Fingal-42, Dublin City-50 and Cork City-32); 501 units in 2006 (Fingal-8; South Dublin-348; Wexford-20; Cork City-95 and Dublin City-30); 241 units in 2007 (Fingal-54: South Dublin-59: Wexford Co-26: Cork City -52 and Waterford City-50); 224 units in 2008 (Cork County-18; Cork City-103;Fingal-42; Kildare-47 and Wexford-14); 62 units (all Galway County) in 2009 were also delivered under AHI. A further 186 units were delivered through the Affordable Homes Partnership in 2007 (Fingal — 62;South Dublin — 34; Dublin City — 28; Deterioration — 28; Kildare 12; Wicklow-22), 367 units in 2008 (Fingal-89; South Dublin-112; Dublin City-34; Kildare-54; Decline-25 and Wicklow-53) and 165 units in 2009 (Fingal-30; South Dublin-57; Dublin City-18; Kildare-39; Declining-3 and Wicklow-18). North Tipperary, Limerick city and Waterford city are blanked out in the 2014 Dataset due to the Amalgamation of Limerick city and county, Waterford city and County and Tipperary county Councils. The most current data is published on these Sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision. Any change from the Originally published data will be highlighted by a comment on the cell in question. These comments will be maintained for at least a year after the date of the value change.
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