SmartBay Ireland Galway Bay Buoy Wave

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Provided by Government Reform Unit, Dept of Public Expenditure & Reform

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.03.16 04:54
Available languages
significant wave height, oceanography, wave period, smart buoy, test facilities, oceanographic geographical features, non-conventional energy, mean wave period, renewable energy, oceans, full scale test facility, wave energy, wave climate, ireland, galway bay, wave buoy, ocean waves, energy, 1/4 scale test facility, wave height, environment, water science, smartbay ireland, hydrosphere, geoscientificinformation, buoy, ocean energy
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Dataset description

This data comprises wave data collected from the SmartBay Buoy moored in Galway Bay. The TRIAXYS Directional Wave Sensor collects wave data and returns the following parameters: No Zero Crossings (Number) HAvg (Average Wave Height) (Meters) TZ (Mean Spectral Period) (Seconds) HMax (Max Wave Height) (Meters) HSig (Significant Wave Height) (Meters) TSIG (Significant Period) (Seconds) H10 (Meters) T10 (Seconds) TAvg (Mean Wave Period) (Seconds) TP (Peak Period) (Seconds) TP5 (Seconds) HmO (Meters) Mean Direction (Degrees) Mean Spread (Degrees) The TRIAXYS Directional Wave Sensor is comprised of three accelerometers and three rate SENSORS that ultimately measure the total displacement along the three orthogonal Axes of the floating platform. In addition, this sensor is equipped with a gimballed fluxgate compass to measure true magnetic direction.
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