Table 5.2 Multiple: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Multiple Perinatal Deaths: Cause of Death by ICD-10 Chapter by Birthweight, Perinatal Mortality Rate and Numbers (Total), 2014 (Multiple)

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Provided by Government Reform Unit, Dept of Public Expenditure & Reform

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.07.05 04:50
Available languages
interval since last birth, cause of death, live births, Perinatal outcomes, mothers and fathers occupations and nationalities, type of feeding, early neonatal deaths, gestation period, length of stay, perinatal outcomes, type of antenatal care, perinatal mortality rates, marital status and occupation, stillbirths, method of delivery, age of mother, previous stillbirths, birthweight
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Presents the distribution of MULTIPLE PERINATAL Deaths for 2014 by cause of death and Birthweight. This table outlines perinatal Mortality rates and numbers (total) by cause of death for MULTIPLE perinatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2014. Information on every birth in the Republic of Ireland is submitted to the National Perinatal Reporting System (NPRS). All births are Notified and registered on a standard four part birth notification form (BNF01) which is completed where the birth takes place. Part 3 of this form is sent to the HPO for data entry and validation. The information collected includes data on pregnancy outcomes (with particular reference to perinatal Mortality and important aspects of perinatal care), as well as descriptive social and biological characteristics of mothers giving birth. See the complete Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 at
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