Yellow Eel Stock Monitoring [Lake fyke Net]

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Provided by Government Reform Unit, Dept of Public Expenditure & Reform

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.03.16 05:14
Available languages
environment, location, biota
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Yellow eel stock monitoring is integral to gaining an understanding of the current status of local stocks and for Informing models of escapement. In addition, such monitoring provides a means of evaluating post-management changes and Forecasting the effects of these changes on silver eel escapement. Data includes the following: Annual indices of Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE), Stock Structure, PIT tag, Eel size, silvering rate, Age and Parasite status. The Burrishoole lakes Feeagh and Bunaveela have been incorporated into the National Eel Survey during 2009-2011. Data on eels has been collected since 1973. Data on eels has been collected via monitoring of stocks in the lakes of the catchment. The monitoring strategy AIMS to determine, at a local scale, an Estimate of relative stock density, the stocks length, age and sex profiles, and the proportion of each length class that Migrate as silvers each year. Establish a means of assessing the yellow eel stock on a long term basis. Provide data for the development of local stock assessment models. Data collected and maintained by the Newport facilities team of the Marine Institute (Ireland). Dataset complete for periods surveyed.
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