Dataset information
Available languages
incidenti industriali, opendata, seveso, RNDT, EU
Dataset description
N.B. The dataset is no longer up-to-date as the competence over the holdings subject to the Seveso Directive has moved to the national level.The data represent the area occupied by Seveso establishments registered in the regional register pursuant to Regional Law 32/92 on the basis of the rules laid down in Legislative Decree No 334/1999. Since Legislative Decree No 105/2015 repealing Legislative Decree No 334/1999 was published in June 2015 and transposes the new Directive on the prevention of major-accident hazards (seveso ter -dir 2012/18/EU), the data reported are to be considered transitional and not final until 1 June 2016 in which the new list will be provided in accordance with Legislative Decree 105/2015. However, this list contains a first update (1 March 2016) of the data received pursuant to Legislative Decree 105/2015.The area is that enclosed within the perimeter of the area owned by the operator and therefore includes, in addition to the production facilities, all other areas dedicated to ancillary services. The information is entered and managed in the SIAR — Major Accident Risk Information System. In addition to the georeferencing area, the establishments are described by the following information: registration, registered office, organisational structure, position with respect to Seveso regulations, administrative activity (documents sent: Notification, safety report, timetable, increased risk, etc.), control activities (checks on the safety management system, technical investigations, verification of surveillance requirements and verifications), substances held (physical status, quantity, etc.), incidental assumptions (georeferentiation, production area/installation, incidental type, generating substances, frequency of occurrence, incidental scenarios, damage areas — high lethality distance, lethality start distance, etc.-, danger centre) and authorisation status regarding fire prevention.In addition, there is information on the existence of the specific plant emergency plan for the aspect of industrial risks. The area of ownership is declared by the operators of the plants and is uploaded in the SIAR by the Piedmont Region.The data made available for download makes available the center of the plant with some synthetic information related to the plant.
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