Dataset information
Available languages
api, amat, mobilita, percorso, tram, autobus, fermata, real-time-bus
Dataset description
the GTFS feed dataset contains public transport, bus and tram data, referring to the period 23-07-2018  31-08-2018 following the change in the departure times of line 731 during the weekday period from 01/08/2018.
specifically, the data concern the routes of the lines operated by amat in' reference period, the location of the stops, the scheduled departure times from the terminus and transit from the stops, as per the service contract concluded between amat palermo s.p.a. and the municipality of palermo.
georeference of traffic lines & egrave data; it was carried out using openstreetmap data, available under odbl license ( tram data license — cc by-sa 4.0
n.b. due to works of the railway pass and the railway link, the routes and timetables of the buses that transit in the areas affected by the yards, may differ from the official ones contained in the dataset.
attention: since 27 July 2018 access to bees on real-time data of 20 road transport lines; at the following link the technical documentation for l'correct use of bees:
the lines affected by bees  in real time throughout the summer period, endingà next September 15, are: 100, 101, 102, 106, 108, 109, 124, 226, 246, 304, 307, 309, 327, 422, 619, 603, 704, 731, shuttles orange historic center and express.
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