B3.9 — Hydraulic magnitude chart — UML model

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Provided by Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
piano_strutturale, comune-di-arezzo, sistema_informativo, questioni_sociali, utilizzo_del_territorio
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset, please consult it on the original page on the Arezzo Portal. At the same address there are also, for enabled datasets, additional access formats, the preview of the display via API call, the consultation of fields in DCAT-AP IT format, the ability to express an evaluation and comment on the dataset itself. All available resource formats for this dataset can be downloaded as ZIP packages: inside the package sarà available the resource in the chosen format, complete with all the information about the metadation and the associated license. The conceptual model illustrated in the PDF file attached to the metadata sheet refers to the main classes adopted for the representation of the thematic layers in the QGIS project prepared for the realisation of the map under the title of the sheet. The model was created as a Class Diagram according to the UML language, adopting a reduced set of specifications. The classes represented in the diagram generally have a denomination coinciding with that of the corresponding physical model dataset. In the conceptual model can also be illustrated “classes” which are actually descriptive of layers representing particular sub-sets of another class by means of specific queries (Provided Feature Filter) and particular categorical representations. For the main classes are highlighted in appropriate labels, with a description enclosed by braces {}, the constraints defined between the instances of the class and the instances of the related classes. Additional natural language annotations have been added, including the name of the corresponding QGIS layer, a brief description of the class and the data source. The colors assigned to the classes illustrated in the UML model are representative of the Spatialite geodatabases in which the corresponding datasets are stored: in the UML model, a descriptive legend of the various reference geodatabases has been reported.
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