Consumer prices January 2022: NIC index by spending groups

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Provided by Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.09.03 00:00
Available languages
indiceprezzi, bene-consumo, mese
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The dataset contains the monthly index of consumer prices for the entire national community (NIC), by spending groups, calculated on the prices recorded in the Municipality of Milan. The NIC index is the indicator used for the measurement of inflation. The source of the data is the monthly ISTAT Consumer Prices Survey. The basis of the indices is the year 2015=100. The reference universe is the entire population present in the territory and the set of all goods and services purchased by households with an actual market price. As of January 2016, NIC consumer price indices are classified according to the new ECOICOP (European Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose) classification, annexed to the new European Framework Regulation on harmonised consumer price indices. The path to use to find the original dataset on is: ** — Prices and Consumption — Consumer prices — Price index since 2016**
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