Dataset information
Available languages
EU, reti elettriche, acquedotti, opendata, immobili e antropizzazioni, viabilità, cartografia di base, CTR, quadri d'unione, database geotopografico, dbgt
Dataset description
All those points that are of particular importance for the description of the altimetric behaviour of the soil, located on it in a stable form and determined with particular care, are reported and distinguished. The following planing machines are preferably listed: springs, confluences, and generally confluences of ditches, overflows of waterfalls or water outlets, canal branch, bridges, fords, lakes, fountain wells, banks, bivi, road curves, buildings, insulated buildings, railway artefacts (altitude referred to the rail level), churches, chapels (altitude referring to the ground at the main entrance), crosses, pylons. In urban centres there are road crossings, squares, courtyards, public buildings (altitude related to the ground at the main entrance). The peaks of the mountains, the saddles, the tops, the ends of spurs, the tops of spurs, the summits and the feet of the rock jumps, the edges of shelves, the bottoms of dolina and generally the particulars of strong evidence are also listed. On watercourses the altitudes are not related to the hair of the water, but to the ground of the particular topographical that emerges or crosses them or exists on the shores. On the lakes there is an altitude indicating the official level of the water coat; in the basins the altitude indicates the maximum invaded.
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