Dataset information
Available languages
scuola, nil, anno
Dataset description
The data concern secondary schools of I grade present in the municipal territory, grouped by type of management and neighborhood, and their pupils. There are 88 neighborhoods: in 27 of these (Adriano, Assiano, Bicocca, Cantalupa, Cascina Merlata, Chiaravalle, Farini, Giardini P.ta Venezia, Monlue‘— Ponte Lambro, Muggiano, Parco Bosco In Citta’, Parco Dei Navigli, Parco Delle Abbazie, Parco Forlanini — Cavriano, Parco Sempione, Porta Garibaldi — Porta Nuova, Porta Genova, Porta Ticinese — Conchetta, Quinto Romano, Quintosole, Ronchetto Delle Rane, Roserio, Stephenson, Tre Torri, Trenno, Triulzo Superiore, Umbria — Molise — Calvairate) there is no secondary school of I grade.
This dataset has been issued by the municipality of Milan.
The path to use to find the original dataset on is: ** — Education and Culture — Education — Secondary Schools of I Degree**
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