Flood Directive 2019 II Cycle — Region of Emilia-Romagna — Areas with potential significant risk APSFR

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Dataset information

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alluvione, distretto idrografico, aree a rischio, pericolosit , mappa, autorit di bacino, EU, Idrografia, direttiva 2007 60 ce, rischio, Regionale, open data
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Dataset description

The cartography represents the delimitation of the Significant Potential Risk Areas (APSFR) present within the river Po river district, with reference to the territory of the Emilia-Romagna Region, within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2007/60/EC and Legislative Decree No 49/2010 — second cycle, on the basis of the results of the preliminary risk assessment referred to in Article 4, defined as the areas for which the competent authorities determine that there is a significant potential risk of flooding or can be considered likely to arise. These areas are distributed along the network of natural waterways and along the coastal strip. In particular, there are 8 district APSFRs covering exclusively or partly the territory of the RER: River Po, from Turin to the sea; Arda torrent, from the invade of Mignano to the confluence in Po; Streams Parma and Baganza, from the Municipality of Parma to the confluence in Po; Enza torrent, from the expansion boxes to the confluence in Po; River Secchia, from the bay of expansion to the confluence in Po; The Panaro River, from the bay of expansion to the confluence in Po; River Reno, from the Chiusa di Casalecchio to the confluence into the sea, including the stem auctions of the tributaries Samoggia and Lavino; Adriatic coast, Adriatic sea coast. The regional APSFRs (69 in all) include wide hilly-mountain sections of the Apennine rivers and streams, vast areas of the Emilian, Bolognese and Romagna plains, potentially flooded by scenarios of surmounting or breaking the banks of the streams. Portions of district and regional APSFR may be overlapped in the plains due to the complex flooding dynamics that characterise the regional territory, where the same area can potentially be flooded by several watercourses and/or due to different types of phenomena (e.g. sea and river flooding, river and remediation channel).
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