Dataset information
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opendata, Balneazione, Bollettino, Spiagge, EU, RNDT, Cianobatteri
Dataset description
Monitoring of bathing water carried out by Arpa Piemonte in the period April-October. The Agency shall carry out checks on bathing water and issue a weekly bathing report on the basis of the sampling carried out on the different beaches. In particular, the data concerns the beaches of the following Piedmontese lakes and streams: Lake Maggiore, Lake Orta, Lake Mergozzo, Lake Viverone, Lake Candia, Lake Sirio, Lake Grande of Avigliana, torrents Cannobbio and Bernardino. In addition to bathing monitoring information, the dataset includes links to the monographs of the beaches, the graphs and the sampling values carried out and the newsletter issued. Since 2015, the results of the monitoring of cyanobacteria, carried out routinely in areas where flowering has historically occurred, have also been published.The bathing areas, identified by Regional Decision at the beginning of each bathing season, are sampled at points whose location, from sampling to sampling, does not vary. In relation to bathing judgements, the areas fall within two types: 1. bathing areas, i.e. those for which the results of the analyses on the sample taken comply with all the parameters considered by the legislation in force; 2. temporarily non-bathing areas, i.e. those for which the results of the analyses on the sample taken do not comply for at least one of the parameters considered, until the first favourable analytical result following the pollution event, showing that the quality of the water has been restored.The samples shall be carried out, at least once a month, in the band normally used by bathers, corresponding to a depth of seabed between 80 and 120 cm.The parameters analysed shall be of a chemical, physical and microbiological nature. Some chemical-physical parameters are detected in the field. If anomalies are visually detected, aliquots are to be taken for the laboratory for the qualification and quantification of any substances present. The microbiological parameters analysed are: Escherichia coli and intestinal Enterococci. The sampling methods and times, as well as the analytical determinations, are defined in Legislative Decree 116/2008 and Annexes A and D to the implementing decree of 30 March 2010.
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