Dataset information
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Nichel, Cromo, EU, Cobalto., valore di fondo geochimico, valore di fondo naturale, Suolo, area omogenea di concentrazione, contaminazione diffusa del suolo, ambito territoriale con fondo naturale, RNDT
Dataset description
Spatial distributions are made available for homogeneous concentration areas (scale 1:50.000) of Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Cobalto (Co), as noted by the Regional Executive Resolution No 8-3474 of July 2, 2021.The results, currently limited to the municipality of Turin and belt, will be progressively extended to the entire territory of the Piedmont plain. For homogeneous concentration areas, natural background values and statistical benchmarks (average, median, standard deviation, minimum and mummy values, coefficient of variation, percentili, outliers) are provided. Concentrations of contaminants, expressed in mg/kg, refer to all dry materials of the fraction less than 2 mm, including the skeleton fraction 2 cm — 2 mm. The statistical parameters provided are representative of the surface layer 0-100 cm affected by chemical, physical and biological processes of pedogenesis.The data provided are directly comparable with the preliminary specific site surveys required by the legislation (Legislative Decree 152/06, D.P.R. 120/2017, Ministerial Decree 46/2019).The homogeneous concentration areas identified are comparable with the definition given by Presidential Decree 120/2017 of territorial area with natural background. The statistical benchmarks provided can be used as a reference to the survey plan on the basis of Article 11(1) of Presidential Decree 120/2017. The natural background values provided for homogeneous concentration areas are compatible with the definition of Ministerial Decree 46/2019 of Geochemical Fund. The methodology applied, consistent with the requirements of scale of representation, can be considered consistent with the guidelines for the determination of background values for soils and groundwater. ¿(ISPRA, 2018). For further information on materials and methods, use of data in the context of current legislation and citation of sources refer to what is reported in the Resolution of the Regional Executive of July 2, 2021, n. 8-3474:
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