Hiking Network — Emergency shelter

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Provided by Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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montagna, turismo, escursionismo, open data, sentieri, appennino, Reti di trasporto, EU, Regionale
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Emergency shelter, the topic is part of the group of information functional to the use of the regional hiking network, REER, and as such reported if located close to it. It is articulated as follows (in the absence of specifications each item is to be understood as having an intuitive meaning): Agritourism (accommodation structure with possibility of overnight stay), Hotel facilities, Camping, Hostel, Rifugio (structure also intended for overnight stay, managed or not), Emergency shelter (place of possible shelter but not indicated on overnight stay), Bivacco, Pharmacy, Bus stop, Railway station, Parking, Scuderia, Limitation to transit (motorised), panoramic point 360° or partially oriented, Avalanche Danger, Source or Fountain (only those considered “perennials” are reported and not those in countries where it is understood that water can be found), Human-environmental Emergency (aspects of particular historical, architectural, naturalistic or landscape importance), Museum structure, Botanical Garden, Park Visitor or Nature Reserve.
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