Iuti — Inventory of the use of the land of Italy

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Provided by Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

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Dataset description

The Italian Land Use Inventory (IUTI), aimed at the establishment of the national register of carbon tanks, classifies the entire Italian territory in the six categories of land use: 1 Forest Land, 2 Cropland, 3 Grassland, 4 Wetland, 5 Settlements, 6 Other Lands. Class 1, Forest Land, is divided into two subclasses, “Bosco” and “Trucked Areas temporarily devoid of stand”. Class 2 is divided into two subclasses, ‘Arable crops and other herbaceous crops’ and ‘herbaceous crops’: the latter is further subdivided into ‘fruit arboriculture and nurseries’ and ‘wood arboriculture’ in order to differentiate fruit and wood arboriculture from forest formations, as provided for in the greenhouse gas accounting system, according to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Class 3 is divided into “Praterie, grazing and uncultivated herbaceous” and “Other wooded lands”. This instrument makes it possible to detect portions of the national territory that meet the requirements to be included in the accounts of the Kyoto Protocol, to determine to which of the Kyoto Protocol activities they are subject and therefore which accounting rules should be applied, and, finally, to reconstruct, on established time sequences, the variations in area that contribute to increase or decrease the national forest area covered by the accounts.
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