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The information layer in shape format, georeferenced in the system WGS 84, UTM 33-Fuso Nord, is related to the “Charter of the landslide hazard” of the current Stralcio Plan for Hydrogeological Arrangement — PSAI for the territory of the Regional Basin Authority of Central Campania, drawn up at scale 1:5000. The PSAI of the Campania Central AdB, resulting from the updating/homogenisation of the previous PSAI of the former Regional Authorities of Sarno and North-Western Region, unified in 2012 into a single Authority, was adopted by Resolution of the Institutional Committee No 1 of 23/02/2015-B.U.R.C. n. 20 of 23/03/2015, attested by R.R.C. No 437/2 of 19 February 2016 and, between 23 March 2015 and 17 February 2017, it was updated with some specific variations to the perimeters of hazardous and risk areas, which came into force following the final adoptions of the Institutional Committee. The PSAI is the large area planning tool through which the Basin Authorities, pending the reorganisation provided for by Legislative Decree 152/2006, have planned and programmed the actions, land use rules and interventions concerning the protection against hydrogeological risk and has a superordinate value on any other planning and planning tool and/or sectoral planning. The main objective of the PSAI is to safeguard the safety of people, the protection of the territory, infrastructure, existing man-made activities, cultural and environmental heritage from the phenomena of failure on the side and from floods, in compliance with the principles of “sustainable development”. The Plan defines the scenarios of danger and risk from landslides and floods, representing through synthesis papers the perimeter of the areas affected by possible calamitous events (Cart of Danger) and its expected damage (Risk Cards). The hazard linked to flood phenomena, for the purpose of determining hydraulic risk, is also supplemented by the “topographic hydraulic vulnerability card”, which specifies the vulnerability of the elements exposed to hydraulic phenomena by articulating it into 4 levels. The risk maps, “Flood risk card” and “Flow risk card” contain the classification of anthropogenic elements according to the four levels R1, R2, R3 and R4 referred to in D.P.C.M. 29.09.19984, corresponding to as many possibilities of damage. The Standards for Implementation of the PSAI, which identify the requirements for the different hazardous and risk zones, and all the further elaborations of the current plan, can be consulted and downloaded in different formats on the Authority’s website at hydrogeological/.
You can view the preview (which is not official) of the Danger Charter from landslide
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