Magic Sheet 22 Vavilov — Map (OpenData)

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Provided by Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2013.05.31 00:00
Available languages
mar-tirreno, sistema-di-faglie, vulcano-sottomarino
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The sheet is entirely affected by the Vavilov volcano. It has a length of 30 km in the direction of North East-South West, a width of 15 km and reaches a height of 2.7 km. The main morphological element is represented by a landslide niche that affects the entire western flank of the building interpretable as originating from an event of sector collapse. As a result, the western flank has no volcanic structure unlike the eastern flank where the original structure of the volcano is preserved, as evidenced by the development of small conical-shaped buildings. In the northwest portion of the Vavilov volcano, the seabed is dislocated by faults heading from North East to South West which delimit a region to “horst and graben”. This area constitutes an area of geological hazard: it represents an area of instability in the northwestern flank of the Vavilov volcano with a tsunamigenic potential.A critical point associated with the fault system has been detected. CNR-ISMAR
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