Vector map of the perimeter and parcels of agricultural and forestry areas subject to forest settling plan (PAF) in Lombardy, consisting of two types of layers: — perimeter of the current plans — particle of the current plans Both the perimeters and the particles are reported in various layers, year by year: A) the data from 2019 are complete, i.e. they contain all the plans of which the Lombardy Region has become aware; if some plans are missing, the reason is linked to the failure to send the same to the Lombardy Region by the Park or the Mountain Community that approved it. In this case, please report the omission to
[email protected]; B) the 2016-2018 historical data are not complete, as for some older plans, made in the early 2000s only on paper (glossy) or with Autocad, it was not possible to recover the polygons. More specifically: — perimeter of the plans in force in 2016. This layer does not include five Plans, for which polygons could not be recovered: ‘Farm Deviscio’, ‘Comune di Campodolcino’ (SO), ‘Comune di Valleve’, ‘Comune di Gromo’ and ‘Comune di Songavazzo’ (BG); — perimeter of the plans in force in 2017, this layer does not include three Plans, for which it was not possible to recover the polygons: ‘Farm Deviscio’, ‘Comune di Campodolcino’ (SO) and ‘Comune di Songavazzo’ (BG); —the particle of the plans in force in 2017. This layer does not include, in addition to the three planes indicated in the 2017 perimeter layer, two other planes: “Municipality of Dossena” (BG) and “Comunities of Azzone, Colere, Schilpario, Vilminore and private individuals in the Riserva del Giovetto” (BG), whose technical works are deficient. — perimeter of the plans in force in 2018. These two layers do not include “farm Deviscio”, “Comune di Campodolcino” (SO) — the parcel of the plans in force in 2018. This layer does not include, in addition to the two planes indicated in the 2018 perimeter layer, another plane: “Municipality of Dossena” (BG).