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Provided by Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

Get early access to MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poly_4 API!

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Dataset description

The feature class MO_sist_insediativo_poly_4 represents the sedative system — area elements — acquired from the settlement system map in scale 1:25 000. The maps PTPAAV (Territorial Environmental Country Plan of Area Vasta) are a series of thematic maps drawn up since 1989 and finished and approved at the end of November 1991, are divided into territorial areas for a total of 8 areas identified on the regional territory. The work was carried out by several groups of technicians, a coordination group which established by circulars the standards to be used for the drafting of plans ranging from the thickness of the graph tip to the type of retino and the nuances to be used, and 8 design groups one for each area, which have created the maps trying to standardise spatial information as much as possible. The paperwork of this work was delivered to us in 2008 by the Environmental Heritage Office of the Molise Region. The latter already had scans of some thematic cards related to some areas, the missing ones and in the case of scans not found suitable for georeference, have been scanned. The mapping basis used by the working groups for the creation of PTPAAV maps was the IGM on a scale of 1:25,000.
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