Dataset information
Available languages
tariffe, concessioni, autostrade, concessionarie, tratte-autostradali
Dataset description
The dataset contains data from the management of the Italian motorway sections.
Many of the data are published in the 2014 report of the motorway sector published in November 2015 while expenditure arrives in September 2015 ( )
The dataset consists of:
1. Motorway Managers — Granting entities (Management Company, Km in operation, Existing Management Report, Granting Body);
2. Motorway sections — under concession (road section name, management company, km in operation, Km under management, State of management, type of management, Granting body);
3. List of concessionary companies (Concessionary Companies, Abbreviations, Group to which they belong, Managed Tracts);
4. Concessionaires — concessionary relationship (Concessionary Company, State of update agreements, Date of expiry of the regulatory period, Deadline of update PEF (economic financial plan), Group of belonging, Km in operation, No routes under management, type of agreement, Description of the concession relationship, Date of conclusion — Single Act, Date of conclusion — Additional act, Date of expiry concession, Granting body);
5. Concessionaires — Expenditure and tariffs (Concessionary Companies, starting date of agreement, Expiration of concession, Expenditure from 1/10/2013 to 30/9/2014 (euro), Expenditure from 1/10/2014 to 30/9/2015 (euro), Total final expenditure (euro), Investment Expenditure from PEF year 2014 (euro), Rate recognised 2016).
Expenditure refers to investments incurred and attributable to return on capital — not corresponding to the total value of investment expenditure.
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