Dataset information
Available languages
pai, prsr, pianificazione, eu, ambiente, fasce fluviali, aree protette e difesa del suolo, rischio idrogeologico, aree rme, autorità bacino po
Dataset description
The map service shows the contents of the Stralcio Plan for the Hydrogeological Arrangement of the Po Basin (P.A.I.) in the original version, approved with DPCM 24 May 2001. In particular, the contents of the following documents are displayed: — Process 8 ‘Demarcation tables for river strips’, containing the delimitation of the river strips of the Po rod and its main tributaries (Beam A, Belt B, Belt B of project and Belt C); — Processed 2 ‘Atlas of hydraulic and hydrogeological hazards — Annex 4 Delimitation of failing areas’ containing the delimitation and classification, on the basis of the dangers of instability that characterise the mountain hydrographic network: conoids (Ca, Cp, Cn), torrential floods (Ee, Eb, Em), landslides (F, Fq, Fs) and Valanghe (Va, Vm); — Processed 2 — Annex 4.1 ‘Perimeter of areas with very high hydrogeological risk’, containing the perimeter and zoning of areas with very high hydrogeological risk in hilly and mountainous environments (area 1 and zone 2) and on the main and secondary hydrographic network in the plain areas (zone I and BPR area).In Lombardy, after the approval of the IAP, and on the basis of the provisions laid down at the time by d.g.r. 11 December 2001, 7/7365 (later updated and supplemented with subsequent deliberations, until the current Legislative Decree No 9/2616 of 30 November 2011) began, a phase of implementation of the IAP in the field of urban planning began, provided for by the then in force Article 17(5) of Law No 183 of 18 May 1989 and Article 5(2) and Article 27, paragraph 2 of the N.D.A. of the PAI itself.The path of implementation of the IAP in the urban field at the local scale has produced a completion, deepening and enrichment of the Elaborate 2 of the PAI (which concerns as has been said the hill and mountain part of the region); the same path, as well as the implementation of mitigation/risk reduction interventions, has led to the reduction and modification of many areas with very high hydrogeological risk of Annex 4.1 to Processing 2. Finally, as regards the river strips, changes at the auction level to the river strips concerned the Lambro River (included in this map service) and local changes related to the completion of defence interventions concerned limited cases (Torrente Rile in Comune di Gallarate, sopralacuale River Adda in municipality of Dubino, Fiume Serio in Comune di Ghisalba).The version of the updated PAI, following the procedures described above (with the exception of the variant of the auction relating to Lambro, which is already contained in this service), can be viewed through the PAI Map Services Vigente and Municipal Geological Studies.
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