Pai Sicilia — Territorial Area between the Hydrographic Basin of the Birgi River and the Hydrographic Basin of the Màzaro River (052)

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Country of origin
2018.05.21 00:00
Available languages
piano assetto idrogeologico, difesa del suolo, bacino idrografico, pai
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Dataset description

The territorial area between the Hydrographic Basin of the Birgi River and the Hydrographic Basin of the Màzaro River is located in the extreme western part of Sicily and occupies a total area of about 241 km². The shape of the territorial area under examination is sub-rectangular, with an elongation direction N-S and with a south-western appendix that extends just north of the mouth of the river Màzaro. The area therefore reaches its maximum width, equal to about 14 km, in the central-southern portion; in the northern part, however, the width is significantly reduced, up to about 3 km, immediately south of the mouth of the Birgi River. The basins with which the area in the studio borders are, therefore, the Basin of F. Birgi, to the North-East and the Basin of F. Màzaro to the South-East, while to the west the area, being facing the Mediterranean Sea, is bordered by the coastline. The territory in the studio develops in the extreme north-western part of Sicily, in an area characterised essentially by a vast coastal plain, affecting, from an administrative point of view, the territory of the province of Trapani and, in particular, the territories of 3 municipalities (Marsala, Mazara del Vallo, Petrosino). Di questi comuni, il centro abitato di Marsala e quello di Petrosino ricadono interamente all’interno dell’area territoriale, mentre del centro abitato di Mazara del Vallo solo la porzione più occidentale rientra nell’area di interesse, invece la porzione restante del-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elenco dei dati pubblicati:1) Relazione bacino in formato digitale (.pdf) 1.1) relazione_052_con elenco dissesti.pdf 1.2) 20180521_050-051-052-053_Relazione2) Cartografia in formato digitale (.pdf) 2.A) Carta dei dissesti in scala 1:10.000 (N.18 tavole) 2.A.1) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_605060_1.pdf 2.A.2) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_605100_2.pdf 2.A.3) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_605110_3.pdf 2.A.4) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_605140_4.pdf 2.A.5) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_605150_5.pdf 2.A.6) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_617020_6.pdf 2.A.7) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_617030_7.pdf 2.A.8) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_617040_8.pdf 2.A.9) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_617060_9.pdf 2.A.10) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_617070_10.pdf 2.A.11) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_617080_11.pdf 2.A.12) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_617100_12.pdf 2.A.13) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_617110_13.pdf 2.A.14) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_D_617120_14.pdf 2.A.15) 20180521_242_050-051_052_053_D_605140.pdf 2.A.16) 20180521_242_050-051_052_053_D_617020.pdf 2.A.17) 20180521_242_050-051_052_053_D_617030.pdf 2.A.18) 20180521_242_050-051_052_053_D_617070.pdf 2.B) Carta della pericolosità e del rischio geomorfologico in scala 1:10.000 (N.18 tavole) 2.B.1) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_605060_1.pdf 2.B.2) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_605100_2.pdf 2.B.3) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_605110_3.pdf 2.B.4) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_605140_4.pdf 2.B.5) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_605150_5.pdf 2.B.6) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_617020_6.pdf 2.B.7) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_617030_7.pdf 2.B.8) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_617040_8.pdf 2.B.9) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_617060_9.pdf 2.B.10) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_617070_10.pdf 2.B.11) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_617080_11.pdf 2.B.12) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_617100_12.pdf 2.B.13) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_617110_13.pdf 2.B.14) Area_Birgi-Mazaro_P_e_R_617120_14.pdf 2.B.15) 20180521_242_050-051_052_053_PR_605140-pdf 2.B.16) 20180521_242_050-051_052_053_PR_617020.pdf 2.B.17) 20180521_242_050-051_052_053_PR_617030.pdf 2.B.18) 20180521_242_050-051_052_053_PR_617070.pdf 2.C) Carta della pericolosità idraulica in scala 1:10.000 (N. 3 tavole) 2.C.1) P-IDRO-AREA-052-617020-06.pdf 2.C.2) P-IDRO-AREA-052-617030-07.pdf 2.C.3) P-IDRO-AREA-052-617040-08.pdf 2.D) Carta del rischio idraulico in scala 1:10.000 (N. 2 tavole) 2.D.1) R-IDRO-AREA-052-617020-06.pdf 2.D.2) R-IDRO-AREA-052-617030-07.pdf 3) Carte tematiche in formato digitale (.pdf) scala 1:50.000 3.1) LITOLOGIA_MAZARO_052.pdf 3.2) USO_SUOLO_Mazaro_(052).pdf 4) Quadro Unione in formato digitale (.pdf) 4.1) MAZARO_(052)_QUADRO_DUNIONE_PER_PDF.pdf5) Schede di censimento in formato digitale (.pdf)------------------------------------------------------Pubblicazione G.U.R.S. n.29 del 29/06/2007Aggiornamenti:Gli aggiornamenti relativi al D.P.R. n° 242 del 21/05/2018 sono pubblicati sulla G.U.R.S. n° 29 del 06/07/2018.
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