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Tartalazio is a regional network of Lazio for the recovery, rescue, reliance and management of marine turtles according to the MATTM guidelines. The phenomenon of turtle beaching, marine fauna in general, is a phenomenon of global interest. The Lazio Region, among the actions to protect protected fauna, has set up the regional network for the recovery, rescue, entrustment and management of marine turtles in accordance with the MATTM guidelines. Called Tartalazio. This organisation, without any commitment of expenditure, performs a clear and recognised reference function thanks to the operational protocol and the procedure for communication between the bodies territorially competent in specific matters or for environmental protection. The structure of the network is made up of the following bodies: Ministry of Transport Harbourmasters’ Office, Naval Stations of the Guardia di Finanza, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of the Interni:VVFF, State Forestry Corps: Command Cites, Harbour Authorities, ISPRA, IZLST, ARSIAL, ARP, Zoomarine onlus, Zoological Station A. Dhorn Naples, State Nature Reserve “Islands of Ventotene and S. Stefano”, Regional Park Authority “Riviera di Ulisse”, Regional Park “Monti Ausoni e Lago di Fondi”, Circeo National Park, Regional Nature Reserve “Tor Caldara”, Marine Protected Area “Secche di Tor Paterno”, Regional Nature Reserve “Macchiatonda”, National Nature Reserve “Saline di Tarquinia”. The bodies operate through the activation of emergency intervention for animals in difficulty, organised by sections of competence on the entire regional coast and island, by the personnel trained and authorised for the first aid of sea turtles, which are then transferred to the Centre of First Aid Trust Onlus Zoomarine and the specialised clinic A. Dhorn in Naples. The useful numbers to call are: Harbourmaster’s Office 1530, Toll-free number Ministry of the Environment 800944841, Europassistance Free Number 02.58240050, State Forestry Corps 1515, State Police 113, Carabinieri Arm 112, Guardia di Finanza 117, VVFF Regional Directorate Lazio 06.66179600 Provincial Directorate 115
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