The World (JOG) 1501-250/G series

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Provided by Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

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Dataset description

The paper is composed, for the Italian part, of 39 sheets at the scale of 1:250,000, which have the dimensions of 2 degrees (north of 40 N) or 1 degree and 30 first (south of 40 N) in longitude and 1 degree in latitude. It is framed in the Universal Transversal Marketer (UTM) conforming representation, based on the European geodetic system (ED 1950). On the north and east sides of the sheets the printing is extended beyond the square of about 2 cm. Altimetry and batimetry are expressed in meters. It has blunt orography and level curves with an equidistance of 100 meters, shows state boundaries and regional administrative limits. The aeronautical information, overprinted in purple, is updated by the Aeronautical Geotopographic Information Centre (CIGA). It is printed in 7 colors.
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