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Edifici, urbanistica, comune-di-montemurlo
Dataset description
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This theme defines the organisation of the municipal road, with its toponymy.
The concepts on which the structuring of this layer is based are therefore:
— street name, deriving from the definition of traffic area that is of each space (square, square, street, avenue, alley, wide, street and street).
similar) of public land or open to the public intended for viability which by regulation must have its own separate name
— access, deriving from the rule stating that doors and other accesses from the circulation area inside buildings of any kind
they must be provided with appropriate numbers;
the numbering obligation also extends internally to buildings for access to
they enter into homes or environments intended for the exercise of professional, commercial and similar activities.
The actual methods of allocating civic numbering may currently depend on the practices of the various local realities.
the objective of this specification is to provide a sufficiently general definition that is applicable in all possible situations.
In the case, for example, of a settlement composed of a condominium building with a common entrance backward from the street front, with a
its own fenced area with shops on the ground floor on the street front will, according to the indications and definitions of the regulation,
an indirect access to the condominium that through the open area leads to the condominium entrance, and a direct access to each store on the floor
land, directly connected to the circulation area.
The external house numbers can be one for the condominium and possibly (this is not a matter of
in fact, a common practice) one for each store.
Description from DECRETO 10 November 2011
Technical rules for defining the content specifications of geotopographic databases.
(Official Gazette No. 48 of 27/02/2012 — Ordinary Supplement No. 37).
It corresponds to the TEMA:
Place names and house numbers 0301 of the DM.
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