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This Qgis project brings together the four projects carried out for the drafting of the maps of the four invariants supporting the knowledge framework of the four invariants identified in the context of the revision of the landscape discipline of the Tuscany Region PIT. The original projects were designed according to the subsequent creation of as many raster-format cards. This project brings together and partially simplifies the original projects by eliminating duplication of data in common, etc. The data sets used in the project, in shape format, are not individually documented as they are functional to the creation of raster cards each of which is self-explicated by means of its own legend and specific metadata, to which, moreover, please refer to for further information (see Download Resources: It should be recalled that the results of any vector processing, in the gis environment, of the project data, should be used at the original scales of the raster maps derived from them (1:50,000 and 1:250,000).The project consists of the following layers: Union 50K — Sheets union of the Italian Charter of Italy 1:50,000 of the IGM on the basis of which the sheets of invariants I, II, III were distributed. Municipal domains — Municipal limits Landscape areas — Landscape limits identified by the Regional Landscape PlanInvariant I — Chart of morphogenetic systems — Cartography in scale 1:50,000, extended to the entire territory of the Tuscany Region, aimed at the representation of the morphogenetic characteristics of the Tuscan territory, i.e. the objectively recognizable elements of the physical structure of the landscape, defined by a combination of the factors that govern the development of the forms of relief such as structural, temporal and geological factors. Invariant II — Charter of the ecological network — Cartography in scale 1:50,000, extended to the entire territory of the region of Tuscany, aimed at highlighting the structural and functional elements of the regional ecological network. The map is designed to represent the level of ecological fragmentation on the regional scale, the source nuclei of biodiversity for both forest ecosystems, agricultural and pastoral ecosystems, the connecting matrix and critical elements for the functionality of the network. Invariant III — Map of the urbanised territory — Cartography in scale 1:50,000, extended to the entire territory of the Tuscany region. The association of attributes referring to the building period allows a series of elaborations aimed at the exclusive representation of the growth of the settlements or the representation of the building at a given temporal thresholdInvariante IV — Charter of rural morphotypes — Cartography in scale 1:250,000, extended to the entire territory of the Tuscany region. The purpose of the map is to provide a representation in the form of ranges of the types of rural landscape present in the region, understood as recognizable forms resulting from the crossroads of different factors such as geomorphological, settlement, naturalistic and cultural factors.
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