Unfinished public works at 31 December 2020

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Provided by Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.08.25 13:21
Available languages
interventi, opere
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Dataset description

The dataset contains a list of unfinished public works as at 31 December 2020 and published on 30 June 2021. The annual update of the list of unfinished works is carried out pursuant to Ministerial Decree No 42 of 13 March 2013, which regulates the “Regulation laying down the procedures for drawing up the list of unfinished public works, as referred to in Article 44-bis of Decree-Law No 201 of 6 December 2011, converted, with amendments, into Law No 214 of 22 December 2011”. The list is divided into sections — relating to works of national interest and works of regional interest and local authorities — on the basis of the territorial scope of the contracting authority, contracting entity or other contracting entity referred to in Article 3 of Legislative Decree No 163 of 12 April 2006 of the works in question. On the basis of the data entered through the regional information systems or through the SIMOI (IT System for Monitoring Unfinished Works) by the institutionally appointed entities, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, together with the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, each for the sections falling within their respective competence, publishes the ranking of unfinished works in accordance with the criteria set out in Ministerial Decree 42/2013. All sections of the list are published on the IT platform Public Contracts Service of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility at the following link: https://www.serviziocontrattipubblici.it/SPInApp/it/works_unfinished.page Under Article 1 of Ministerial Decree 42/2013, ‘unfinished public work’ means any public work which is not completed for one or more of the following reasons: lack of funds; technical causes; C) new technical regulations or legal provisions; D) bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation and arrangement with creditors of the contractor, termination of the contract pursuant to Articles 135 and 136 of Legislative Decree No 163 of 12 April 2006, or termination of the contract pursuant to the anti-mafia provisions in force; lack of interest in completion by the contracting authority, contracting entity or other contracting entity, as referred to in Article 3 of Legislative Decree No 163 of 12 April 2006. The dataset does not include data on unfinished works of the Piedmont Region published after the end of 21 September 2020. The data relating to the Umbria Region, published after the expiry of the deadlines, do not complete the basic information path and are reported in a separate datafile. Since the data relating to the Liguria Region are collected using an autonomous system, they do not complete the basic information path and are reported in a separate datafile.
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