History of Digital Accessibility Claims

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Provided by Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

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digital-accessibility, accessibilite, accessibility, reclamation, public-sector, government
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Dataset description

According to the [Law of 28 May 2019](https://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2019/05/28/a373/jo), the SIP is responsible for the management of complaints relating to the digital accessibility of public mobile sites and applications. This document presents the complaints processed by SIP since 2020. For each complaint, the administrative level and theme of the site or app shall be determined on the basis of the categories described in [Implementing Decision 2018/1524](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/FR/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32018D1524&from=FR) of the European Commission. For more information, please visit [accessibilite.lu](https://accessibilite.public.lu/fr/). This document presents a column “solution proposed to the citizen”, which explains the fact that the citizen has been offered a solution to his specific problem that can be implemented in the short term. The result can be either the correction of the accessibility problem, failing which the provision of an equivalent accessible alternative in terms of functionality. In the event that the implementation of the proposal would constitute a disproportionate [work or financial burden](https://accessibilite.public.lu/fr/obligations.html#d%C3%A9rogation-pour-charge-disproportionn%C3%A9e), the citizen will of course receive a reply, but it cannot be described as a solution. A complaint may also relate to matters outside the scope of the law, the body is informed of it and takes the initiative alone as to whether a response is appropriate, with no legal obligation applying.
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