Sale price of apartments — The Housing in Figures

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Provided by Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

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Available languages
vente, immobilier, logement, statec, actes-notaries, methodologie, urban, commune, prix, urbanisme, appartements
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Dataset description

**Updated March 24, 2022 — Statistics up to Q4 2021.** Since September 2013, the **Habitat Observatory of the Ministry of Housing** and **STATEC** have jointly disseminated quarterly statistics on the **sales prices of apartments**, making it possible to distinguish between ** existing apartments** (assimilated to the market of the old) and **apartments under construction** (assimilated to the new market, for goods sold under a contract of sale in the State Future of Completion, or VEFA). These statistics are based on **notarial acts**, as shown in the data of the Publicité Foncière transmitted by the Administration of Registration and Domains. The different stages of processing the raw data to arrive at the statistics on sales prices of apartments are described in the joint methodological document of STATEC and the Habitat Observatory, which can be downloaded below. STATEC and the Habitat Observatory also publish a joint publication entitled “**Lotting in Figures**” twice a year. Every six months, the aim of this joint publication is to take stock of the situation of the residential real estate market, but also to provide additional insights into the housing market. For this purpose, the publication is structured into three complementary headings: 1. the **main trends** in residential real estate: changes in sales prices of apartments, activity in the apartment sales market, construction activity, construction prices, etc.; A **scoreboard** including more structural statistics on the sales price levels of apartments according to the area of the dwelling, price levels in the different geographical areas and major municipalities of the country; 3. One or more **focus **: more specific studies on a topic related to residential real estate. Please note: STATEC also provides a hedonic index of the registered prices of apartments, which allows the analysis of changes over time in house prices, available on the public statistics portal:
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