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Higher education Open Data
Data on the number of students in higher education institutions by general fields of study and cycle
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Medical institutions Open Data
Data on the number of doctors, in territorial aspect, on some specialties; Network of medical insti
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Population morbidity Open Data
Data on population morbidity on the main classes of diseases, some infectious diseases, venereal dis
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Immunisation of children Open Data
Data on the number of children with preventive vaccinations.
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Miscarriages Open Data
Data on the number of pregnancy interruptions by age group.
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People with disabilities Open Data
Data on the number of persons aged 16 years and over, recognised as disabled for the first time, by
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Health care expenses Open Data
Data on health care expenses from the consolidated budget.
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Social protection of the population Open Data
Data on the number of persons receiving pensions; Pensioners in the evidence of social welfare bodi
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Culture Open Data
Data on the number of public libraries, in territorial aspect; Theatres and musical institutions;
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Sport Open Data
Data on the number of sports constructions, centers of physical culture and health care; Sports sch
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Capacity of tourist reception facilities Open Data
Data on the existing capacity of collective touristic reception facilities with accommodation functi
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Attendance of touristic reception facilities Open Data
Data on the touristic activity of the establishments of collective touristic reception with accommod
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Activity of travel agencies and tour operators Open Data
Data on the activity of travel agencies and tour operators, after the purpose of the visit; Receivi
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Offences Open Data
Data on the number of offences recorded by the type of offence; Persons who have committed crimes b
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Juvenile crime Open Data
Data on the number of crimes committed by minors by type of crime, by districts; Minors sentenced o
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Sentenced and detained persons Open Data
Data on the number of persons convicted by the main types of punishment established by the courts;
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The Justice System Open Data
Data on the number of staff of the judicial bodies; Criminal, civil and administrative cases in co
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Road accidents Open Data
Data on the number of road accidents; People who have suffered in accidents including children.
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Gross Domestic Product Open Data
Data on the volume of goods and services; Contribution of economic activities to the formation of p
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National accounts: Consolidated accounts Open Data
Data on the account of goods and services, production, operation, capital; Use of disposable incom
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National accounts: Fixed assets Open Data
Fixed assets data — existing at the end of the year; Fixed assets structure — existing at the end o
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National accounts: Compensation of employees Open Data
Data on compensation of employees in total economy; Structure of compensation of employees; The c
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Reconciliation of quarterly and annual calculations of GDP Open Data
Data on the reconciliation of quarterly gross domestic product to annual calculations; Seasonal adj
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Industrial production volume indices (annual series) Open Data
Data on volume indices of industrial production, by types of activities, by districts.
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Industrial production volume indices (monthly series) Open Data
Data on volume indices of industrial production, by type of activity.
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Production of industrial products Open Data
Data on the production volume of the main industrial products, by districts.
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Global agricultural production Open Data
Data on agricultural globe production in current prices by branches of agriculture, categories of ho
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Crop cultivation Open Data
Data on the area, production and average yield on agricultural crops, categories of households; Mu
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Animal husbandry Open Data
Data on the number of cattle and poultry on 1 January by categories of households; Production (sal
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Investments in tangible and long-term assets Open Data
Data on fixed capital investments, by forms of ownership; The main indicators of the investment act
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Housing and social-cultural constructions Open Data
Data on construction organisations, by forms of ownership; Volume of works in enterprise executed b
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Length of communication horses Open Data
Data on the length of the communication horses; Length of roads, at the end of the year, by catego
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Means of transport in the inventory Open Data
Data on the number of vehicles registered in the Republic of Moldova; Railway, river, civil aircra
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Transport of goods and passengers Open Data
Data on the transport of goods and passengers. Transport of goods, by modes of transport, by distr
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Information technologies Open Data
Data on legal persons’ expenses for information technologies; Legal persons with personal computers
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Means and activity of mail Open Data
Data on the number of postal shipments; Development of postal means.
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Means and activity of telephony Open Data
Data on the number of telephone means; Telephone calls granted through the fixed telephone network;
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External trade (annual series) Open Data
Data on external trade by group of countries; Import and export to countries; External trade by se
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Internal trade in goods (annual series) Open Data
Data on the value of retail sales by categories of goods; Volume of retail sales by forms of owners
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Internal trade of goods (monthly series) Open Data
Data on business ifra in retail trade/high for enterprises with main trade activity; Monthly indic
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Internal trade in services (annual series) Open Data
Data on the volume of services provided to the population by type of service, by forms of ownership;
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Internal trade services (monthly series) Open Data
Data on turnover in market services for the population; Turnover of enterprises with the main activ
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Entrepreneurship (Administrative Data Sources) Open Data
Data on the activity of economic agents by size and type of activity, districts, form of ownership.
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Millennium Development Goals Open Data
Data on revised Millennium Development Goals indicators.
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Statistical indices on ammunition detection Open Data
Statistical data on the detection of unexploded munitions and their destruction
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List of penitentiary institutions of the Republic of Moldova Open Data
List of penitentiary institutions of the Republic of Moldova, subordinated to the Department of Pen
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Activity of communal and village public libraries in the Republic of Moldova Open Data
Data on the activity of public libraries in the Republic of Moldova.
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Activity of houses and homes of culture Open Data
Data on the activity of houses and homes of culture.
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The work of art schools Open Data
Data on the work of art schools.
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List of books of the Arc Publishing House proposed for filling in the funds of public libraries Open Data
Data on the list of books of the Arc Publishing House proposed for filling in the funds of public li
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Number of employees of cultural institutions Open Data
Data on the number of employees of cultural institutions.
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Public Notice on the Award of Public Procurement Contracts Open Data
Contracts signed by the Ministry of Defence with other parties.
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Training plan in military education institutions Open Data
Training plan in military education institutions
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List of security clearance companies for installations with a potential risk of irradiation Open Data
The list of security certification titles (name of the holder, place of activity, authorisation numb
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List of holders of the registration certificate for carrying out nuclear and radiological activities... Open Data
In this dataset is presented the list of holders of the registration certificate for carrying out nu
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Environmental NGOs Open Data
In this dataset you can find the list of active environmental NGOs. The dataset contains information
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Agreements on economic collaboration Open Data
Agreements on economic cooperation concluded by the Republic of Moldova with other states in force a
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Degree of implementation (completed/uncompleted actions) of normative acts by sub-programmes: —... Open Data
Degree of implementation (completed/uncompleted actions) of normative acts by sub-programmes: Consu
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Standards related to technical regulation (RT) \“Appliances burning gaseous fuels\” approved... Open Data
Information on standards related to RT \“Appliances burning gaseous fuels\” harmonised with European
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Results of the implementation of the Efficient Business Management Programme Open Data
The results of the implementation of the Efficient Business Management Programme.
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List of Probation Offices throughout the Republic of Moldova Open Data
List of Probation Offices throughout the Republic of Moldova, Heads of Offices, Contact Phones and t
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Budget allocation of the National Army Open Data
Breakdown of the budget by area of activity.
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List of sports federations of the Republic of Moldova Open Data
Sports federations and contact details of the management and their representatives.
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Register of National Policies developed in the field of Youth and Sport Open Data
Organic laws and Government Decisions — date of adoption of documents, date of publication and sourc
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Register of bilateral treaties signed in the field of Youth and Sport Open Data
Agreements, protocols, arrangements, memoranda and action plans — date and place of signature, deadl
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Regional development projects in the implementation process in 2012 Open Data
The regional development projects in the implementation process in 2012 are financed from the Nation
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Information on the execution of the state budget in 2011 by the Ministry of Youth and Sport Open Data
Detailed information on the execution of the state budget in 2011 by the Ministry of Youth and Sport
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Key indicators of the activity of science-technology parks and innovation incubators Open Data
Key indicators of the activity of science-technology parks and innovation incubators
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Accredited and re-accredited science and innovation organisations Open Data
List of accredited and re-accredited science and innovation organisations
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Independent projects for approved young researchers Open Data
Number of independent projects for young researchers submitted to the competition and approved by st
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Independent projects for the purchase of equipment Open Data
Number of independent projects for procurement of equipment submitted to the competition and approve
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Data on the execution of budgets of administrative-territorial units Open Data
Data on the execution of budgets of administrative-territorial units
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Economic Classification of Budgetary Expenditure Open Data
Economic Classification of Budgetary Expenditure
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Economic Classification of Budgetary Revenue Open Data
Economic Classification of Budgetary Revenue
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Bank supplies of the regional treasuries of the Ministry of Finance Open Data
Bank supplies of the territorial treasuries of the Ministry of Finance for the collection of payment
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Statistics on the harmful nature and extent of the offence Open Data
Statistical data on the harmful nature and extent of the offence
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Functional Classification of Budgetary Expenditure Open Data
Functional Classification of Budgetary Expenditure
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Classification of programmes and sub-programmes Open Data
Classification of programmes and sub-programmes
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Development of broadband services at fixed locations in administrative-territorial units of the... Open Data
data about the development of broadband Internet access services in the administrative-territorial u
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Results of market surveillance on compliance of food/food services in heat Open Data
This dataset includes the total number of controls, product groups checked, measures applied.
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Number of persons detained in prisons of the Republic of Moldova Open Data
Number of persons detained in prisons of the Republic of Moldova
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Register of Project Verification Opinions Open Data
The verification of projects and construction execution and technical expertise of projects and cons
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Register of technical expertise reports of construction Open Data
The technical expertise in construction sets out the way, forms, objects, content and subjects invol
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Statistics on the time of fire production Open Data
General statistics on the time of fire production in the Republic of Moldova
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Statistics on the cause and location of fires Open Data
Statistical indices on the cause and place of fires on the territory of the Republic of Moldova
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Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by the Ministry of Civil Protection and... Open Data
Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by the Ministry of Civil Protection and Excepti
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Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by MAI in the fraud investigation line Open Data
Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by MAI in the fraud investigation line on the
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Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by MAI on the operational services line Open Data
Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by MAI on the operational services line on the
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Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by the MAI on the line of public order police Open Data
Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by MAI on the line of public order police on th
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Operational information of the subsidy as of 09.07.2012 Open Data
Operational information of the subsidy as of 09.07.2012
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Volume of emissions of pollutants into air from stationary sources Open Data
This data set contains departmental data on the volume of pollutant emissions into air from fixed st
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Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by the MAI Open Data
Statistical data on administrative sanctions applied by MAI on the territory of the Republic of Mold
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Statistical data on the work of the endoscopy cabinet Open Data
Statistical data on the work of the endoscopy cabinet of the Medical Directorate of the MAI
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Statistical data on the activity of the functional diagnostic section Open Data
Statistical data on the activity of the functional diagnostic department of the MAI Medical Director
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Statistical data on the work of the ultrasound cabinet Open Data
Statistical data on the work of the ultrasound office of the MAI Medical Directorate
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Statistical data on the activity of the radiodiagnostic service Open Data
Statistical data on the activity of the radiodiagnostic service of the Medical Directorate of the MA
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Statistical data on the activity of the Diagnostic Clinical Laboratory Open Data
Statistical data on the activity of the Diagnostic Clinical Laboratory of the Medical Directorate of
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Statistical data on the activity of physiotherapy (cabinets), quinetotherapy, reflexotherapy,... Open Data
Statistical data on the activity of departments (cabinets) physiotherapy, quinetotherapy, reflexothe
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Diseases and conditions requiring medical care for insured and uninsured persons in accordance with... Open Data
List of diseases and conditions, provided for in the International Classification of Diseases (CIM),
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List of medicinal products compensated from compulsory healthcare insurance funds Open Data
Joint Order of the Ministry of Health and the CNAM \“On medicinal products compensated from the fund
Issued on
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