Dataset information
Available languages
substanţe care distrug stratul de ozon, ozon, ozon depleting substances
Dataset description
Thematic area — Air
Name of Indicator — A-3 Consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
DPSIR — Driving forces
Indicator type — D — policy effectiveness indicator
Definition of the indicator — The indicator shows the amount of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) consumed in the Republic of Moldova.
Units — ODS consumption is expressed in ODP tons which means quantity of each substance in metric tons (MT) multiplied by its Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP).
Policy relevance of the indicator:
Parliament decision # 966-XIII from 24.07.1996 on Moldova’s accession to the Convention for the protection of Ozone layer and Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone layer.
Law #852 from 14.02.2002 on approving of the Regulation on trade regime and regulating of the use of halogenated hydrocarbons that deplete the ozone layer.
Halogenated hydro chlorofluorocarbons phase-out management plan for 2016-2040 (March, 2016).
Halogenated hydro chlorofluorocarbons phase-out management plan states 4 steps for reduction of the ODS (Annex C, group I):
Step 1: 2016-2020 — reduction with 35 % from admitted consumption of ODS (Annex C, Group I),
Step 2: 2021-2025 — reduction with 67.5 % from admitted consumption of ODS (Annex C, Group I),
Step 3: 2026-2030 — reduction with 97.5 % from admitted consumption of ODS (Annex C, Group I),
Step 4: 2031-2040 — total elimination of the consumption of ODS (Annex C, Group I).
Key question — Does Republic of Moldova fulfill the targets specified under the Montreal Protocol concerning ODSs reduction and elimination?
In general, the Republic of Moldova do not produce ODS. The consumption is based only on importing of these substances.
Table 1 shows that consumption of CFCS (Annex A, Group I) has stopped starting with 2008, when the import of this substances has been interdicted.
In the observed period (1995-2014) Republic of Moldova did not import, produced and consumed Other fully halogenated CFCS (Annex B, Group I), Carbon tetrachloride (Annex B, Group II), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (Methyl chloroform) (Annex B, Group III). Consumption of Halons (Annex A, Group II) has been registered only in 1996.
From all categories of HCFCs (Annex C, Group I) Republic of Moldova imports and consume only HCFC-22. Table 2 shows that a continuous consumption of these substances started in 2004. The highest consumption was registered in 2008 with 2,8215 ODP Tons. After this year the consumption goes down (see Figure 1). Basically, HCFC-22 is used for Refrigerating equipment and air conditioning systems. According to Halogenated hydro chlorofluorocarbons phase-out management plan for 2016-2040, basic level of HCFC-22 consumption is 17,0 metric tons and was established for the period 2009-2010. Freeze year is 2013.
The consumption of Methyl bromide (Annex E, Group I) has been registered only for 1991 and for the short period of 1995-1998 (see Table 3).
Table 4 presents the total consumption of ODS for the period 1990-2014.
The national actions for ozone layer protection during the observed period (1990-2014) has resulted in elimination of almost 99 % of the total consumption of ODS (see Figure 2).
Key messages — For the period 1990 to 2014 the total consumption of ozone depleting substances have reduced with 99 %.
Trend — positive
The value presented has been obtained by Multiplying the value of the consumed quantity expressed in metric tons by the Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP). The Ministry of Environment has data on ODSs consumption in both metric and ODP tons.
Reporting obligations:
Agreement for the protection of Ozone layer and Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone layer
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